Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Finally, pregnancy update!

Ok, ok, I know this is a little late, but I have good reasoning. Up until this last couple of days, I have had a miserable time being pregnant. I didn't want to use my entire update to vent about the misery of morning sickness, but to be excited and share the good things.

So, the good things....I'm fifteen weeks and one day! Baby is the size of a navel orange, and as far as I know, is happy as a clam. Yesterday was the first day I felt well enough to leave the comfort of my couch, and venture into the real world. I visited three different stores, bought things, and came home. This may not seem huge to anyone else, but for me, to willingly get up and dressed, actually get in my car to travel somewhere besides work, and spend time not lounging was a MAJOR accomplishment. I'm hoping, nay...PRAYING that this is the start of me feeling well again (which I hear is supposed to happen around now, ie. the second tri).

I have heard about morning sickness, and being generally uncomfortable, but it's almost criminally negligent how uninformed I really was. I mean seriously people, how was it possible to get through those first horrendous weeks?? I understand every woman and every baby is different, but I was not prepared for the constant hating of my life for 2 months. Don't get me wrong, I can handle pain, I can handle nausea, I can handle headaches/tiredness/grumpyness/sore boobs/backaches, but to put them all together, is just cruel. I curse Eve for eating the damn fruit and putting this on us women (feel free to laugh as I rant). Nausea used to be so easy to deal with, a trip to the bathroom and voila, you feel better and it's over with. NOT THE CASE with pregnancy. UGH!!! Not to mention how your couch becomes your best friend, I know every inch of my couch. AND I have sunk in over 100 hours of Grey's Anatomy...pathetic....

But I digress....

Reeling it back in, I am really looking forward to the next few months. In about 4 or so short weeks we should be learning the sex of Baby Turner, and yes, we will be finding out, I can't handle not knowing. This is the time when supposedly I'm going to feel my best, and most energetic. I'm excited to be feeling well again, and to be able to be productive. [This would be a perfect time to mention how awesome Trevor is. Honestly, the man has had to deal with me crying and complaining for days on weeks on months. He has taken over taking care of the dog, the house, and helping me, all without a single complaint. He is a rockstar. I love that man of mine] The last two days, I have actually been able to prepare, and eat meals. Baby just can't grow on a diet of pringles and chocolate milk. It's crazy how much changes in just a few short days. I have started a registry, just so I can add things here and there and not have to do it all at once. Besides putting off taking weekly photo's (I know, I really need to start doing that!), that's about all I have for now. Hope everyone is well, and I'm sure I'll be updating soon!