For anyone who has taken the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class (from here on on reffered to as "FPU" [I have cleverly decided to pronounce "fuh-poo"]), you will understand this blog post more than others. For those of you who havn't enrolled in FPU, I urge you too join asap! We're on lesson 4 and I love it!!
Ok so from last lesson we have created a very detailed budget (almost zero balance), so that *ahem "every dollar has a name before you get it". Today was kinda crazy scrambling back and forth from the bank (3 times between my hubby and I) making sure we have cash for our envelope system, and the right amount of money in the bank for online payed bills. To make it even more entertaining, I might have not heard Trev when he mentioned he already took out money for naturally I also took it out, then had a melt down for a full minute wondering what happened to 500$ in the bank!! It's all good folks, we got it figured out (I know some of you were worried).
But as crazy as it is today, and making sure all the math adds up, and too not forget to add in my parking expenses for is incredibly liberating/freeing/relaxing to know that all the bills are budgeted for and to not have to double check that everything is getting paid. We even have date money, and seperate spending money to use however we want without checking to make sure we have enough money for bills. Although it may sound too finicky, we know that every bill is accounted for, and we know that when we splurge for a restuarant that we have a seperate budgetted amount of money for that as well.
I would like to make a seperate paragraph to thank all the family members who helped/suggested us to take this class!! Thanks especially to those who contributed to the class registration fee, you know who you are :) This class is amazing, and fun, and it's really nice to be able to take it so young so that we can nip any money problems in the bud and really start investing in our future (PARIS, kids, a house....not in order of importance!)
OH!!! and just so you know, our (late) thank you cards are soon to be on their way! just missing a few addresses, but, I promise we have not forgotten all of you and your wonderful gifts! :) ta ta for now!

Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Here we go!!
Ok, so I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me, plus, Trevor and I don't have a lot of exciting things going on, but I figured I should catch on to this blogging fad and give family and friends who arn't near a look into our daily lives.
Let's catch up to now shall we?? Trevor and I got married, he moved in with me, Will moved in, Wednesday plus dog moved in, Will moved out, and now we're caught up. Like I said, we're exciting people.
Trevor is in his final year of nursing school (woo!), he will be graduating in May and soon after will take his test to become a Registered Nurse. I recently decided that I am going to follow my dream of becoming an Equine Veterinarian and I have so many steps to follow to get on the right track, but the fact that I have made that decision, is pretty big for me. I have another year or so of getting my A.A., then I gotta get a bachelor's in biology (or hopefully animal science), then I can apply to Vet School.
"How are the first few months of marriage?" you ask?? As of right now, Trevor is in the bedroom working on homework, I am writing this, while simultaneously listening to Dave Ramsey FPU because I missed a class, and Keira is outside playing in the mud so she can dirty my floors. We are a pretty happy family. Although we're busy working, going to school, taking a financial class, and stressed out from all of the latter, I couldn't feel more blessed. Sure it would be awesome to have our own place, for Trevor not to have to work two jobs during his senior year, (for me not to have to pay to park for work-I hate downtown), but honestly I feel so blessed by God that I have my husband, and my family and friends. It's hard now, but soon Trev will be a RN, with one job, and I will be a full time student concentrating on not failing chemistry (really, when did a 'mole' change from furry creature to a mathematical equation of elements??)
I would like to add a big Congrats to our close friends Will and Liz for becoming recently engaged! We're so excited for you two and are happy to be apart of your big day! :) It's awesome having a wedding of friends to look forward to!
Ok, I am all blogged out now, I can only be creative for so long before I run out of things to say. But I'm sure as time goes on there will be more stories and things to share, so until then everybody, thanks for enduring this and I'll write again soon!
Let's catch up to now shall we?? Trevor and I got married, he moved in with me, Will moved in, Wednesday plus dog moved in, Will moved out, and now we're caught up. Like I said, we're exciting people.
Trevor is in his final year of nursing school (woo!), he will be graduating in May and soon after will take his test to become a Registered Nurse. I recently decided that I am going to follow my dream of becoming an Equine Veterinarian and I have so many steps to follow to get on the right track, but the fact that I have made that decision, is pretty big for me. I have another year or so of getting my A.A., then I gotta get a bachelor's in biology (or hopefully animal science), then I can apply to Vet School.
"How are the first few months of marriage?" you ask?? As of right now, Trevor is in the bedroom working on homework, I am writing this, while simultaneously listening to Dave Ramsey FPU because I missed a class, and Keira is outside playing in the mud so she can dirty my floors. We are a pretty happy family. Although we're busy working, going to school, taking a financial class, and stressed out from all of the latter, I couldn't feel more blessed. Sure it would be awesome to have our own place, for Trevor not to have to work two jobs during his senior year, (for me not to have to pay to park for work-I hate downtown), but honestly I feel so blessed by God that I have my husband, and my family and friends. It's hard now, but soon Trev will be a RN, with one job, and I will be a full time student concentrating on not failing chemistry (really, when did a 'mole' change from furry creature to a mathematical equation of elements??)
I would like to add a big Congrats to our close friends Will and Liz for becoming recently engaged! We're so excited for you two and are happy to be apart of your big day! :) It's awesome having a wedding of friends to look forward to!
Ok, I am all blogged out now, I can only be creative for so long before I run out of things to say. But I'm sure as time goes on there will be more stories and things to share, so until then everybody, thanks for enduring this and I'll write again soon!
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